A massively multiplayer game that plays right inside your web browser. No downloads, no installs and it is free! Battle monsters in real-time combat alongside your friends. Check out the Screenshots and see everything that was just released on the Launch page. See the Design Notes for a sneak peak of the chaos and insanity that is in production now!
Become a member and you will get access to member-only exclusive classes, weapons, areas, shops, quests and exclusive pets... including Dragon and Dracolich. Go to the Upgrade Page
Mad Weaponsmith |
Talk to Renn and Zio at the gates of Mobius (/join mobius) to start this new quest chain that will eventually lead you face to face with Escherion, the first Lord of Chaos! Read the Design Notes for more!
Visit Renn and Zio in Mobius to begin your adventure!
Here is a list of what went live. This was my first week running an AQW release so be gentle. Have fun... Or Else!
- Chaos Valley: 16 new story quests
- New enhancements: Level 13, 15 & 17
- New NPCs: Renn the Runewarrior & Zio the Illusionist
- New cutscene... with the 1st Lord of Chaos!
- 6 new items including the "Golem Skin"
- New character animations (Awesome!)
- /airguitar
- /facepalm
- /cheer
- /stern
- The Ruins are currently member only
- The Guardian/DragonLord/StarCaptain shop has been moved to the Guardian tower.
OMG! Is that a Moglin Tesselation on the wall?
Visit Valencia for the "Quest of the Day." There is one rare item hunter quest avaiable each day of the week. Read the Design Notes for more!
Due to the truce between Gravelyn and King Alteon, this special shop for players who have upgraded in our previous 3 games has been moved to the the Guardian tower in the town of Battleon. If you are verified (see the menu on the left) you will be able to get the Armor and Weapon from either DragonFable, MechQuest or the original AdventureQuest!
Obtain items from our other 3 games
Would you like your friends and family to earn you some gold and exp while you are offline? Check out our brand new refer-a-friend system. It is surprisingly fair and you can even earn AdventureCoins! Click here to learn how
100% Ebil Moglin
Meh... um... woah. Chainsaw wileding Sneevils, Dew Drop, the Time Travel Fairy, adverturer-eating spider boss, Giant armor Cyclops boss, a entire new area with Escher inspired art.... meh... nice place to visit, would not want to be a tree there. (/join faerie)
1st Lord of Chaos
The town of Mobius has been attacked by the 1st Lord of Chaos! The trees were flipped, houses were twisted and inverted with furniture and stairs on the outside... even the flowers are growing backwards! Worse yet, it seems the 1st Lord of Chaos inverted the Guardian tower there and is now using it as his base! Read the Design Notes for more!
Inverted houses with the furniture on the outside...
Ranger |
The 1st Lord of Chaos is preparing to strike... in the calm before the storm the following things have just been released:
- Bank!
We added a bank system to AQworlds. See Valencia in the center of town. You can now buy permanent bank slots to store your items with AdventureCoins
- Inventory Merge
We merged your item and armor tabs into a single easy to use, sortable interface. (Yup, it even has little buttons to sort at the top!) If you were not using ALL of your armor slots, you may notice you now have some free space!
- New Good/Evil Items
Visit the good or evil towns and check their shops for new items.
- New Area: The Chaos Marsh
A brand new area with new quests and reward items.
"Good and Evil can work together to stop the Chaos!". |
Something wicked this way comes... and is is coming through the forest. King Alteon's chain of quests continues with dangerous mission to investigate a forest being overrun by... THE CHAOS.
- Forest of Chaos (Brand new Map & Quest)
- Two New Monsters
- Chaorrupted Bear Cub Pet
Barbarian Tribesman Armor
- Bear Skin Cloak
- Feral Druid's Headdress
- Chaos Bear Head
- Bear Clawed Axe
Empress of the Shadowscythe
Both the GOOD and EVIL factions have been thrown into chaos by the myserterious new threat. Explore the crash site of the Undead Flying Dragon Fortress and seek audience with Sepulchure's Daughter.
The crashed city of ShadowFall See more on the Design Notes
Follow the storyling using the story button and go on danger filled adventures! Recover Sepulchure's cursed armor (You will never believe what happens when you find it), escape imprisonment in Swordhaven's jail, investigate a forst of Chaos corrupted monsters.... and what will happen next has us all on the ends of our seats. Somewhere... a Lord of Chaos is preparing a wicked scheme to wipe out one of the cities!
- The City of Shadowfall (Evil)
- The City of Swordhaven (Good)
- Dungeon - The Chaos Crypt
- Dungeon - The Swordhaven Treasury
- Dungeon - The Forest of Chaos
- New "EVIL" and "GOOD" Shops
- New Items and Armor
Good King, Bad Situation...
Sepulchure’s undead flying fortress just unleashed its full scale attack on the capital. The final battle between good and evil is taking place and will end in an epic duel with only one survivor. The main villain will be finally be revealed and you will learn Sepulchure's most well kept secret. Brace yourselves... our world will never be the same after this! Read the Design Notes for more.....
Watch the Video
- The war between Good and Evil will end!
- Friday the 13th & Valentines Day Items
- The Chimera Pet Hatches
- New maps and storyline quests
- Interface improvements
- A cutscene unlike anything we have ever built before. Over two minutes of non-stop action.
In the exciting conclusion to the Inquisitor saga you will battle the Grand Inquisitor himself! You will be able to obtain his armor, mace, cape and helm.
Mace of the Grand Inquisitor
The Inquisitors are a group of Knights dedicated to eradicating all of the magic in the world. Go to the Citadel on the map and complete all of the quests to stop the magic-hating Inquisitors and unlock the boss battle! Defeat the beast to unlock a shop containing 4 MONSTER MORPH armors, 2 Inquisitor soldier armors, and several very mean weapons!
The Inquisitors seek to destory all of the magic in the world.
We have put the new intro to the game up for you to play. It is definately the high adventure and "archknight style" craziness you have been asking for. We also added new dialog boxes for NPCs. Please let us know what you think! Official Forum Thread
Be one of the first to help test the new intro!
You can access the new armor shop via the button in Battleon. These new armors can be worn on top of your class!
19 new Armors were released
Also in this release the rest of the maps have been resized -- the entire game is now in widescreen.
The Red Dragon pet is available in Aria's shop. Beware friends. There is a rumor that Death itself is roaming our world for some mysterious purpose.
Whatever you do... do not let him touch your pet Dragon with his skeletal hand.
Pet... Dracolich!?
Mithril Man! 86.3% more effective than Iron.
The Dwakels were bad enough before they have steam powered combat armor! This full new area features new quests, monsters (including two bosses), item drops, and one very unique armor! See the design notes for a full list of game improvements -- including monster aggro!
What is this wierd red light? Hey... poke it with something...
You can access the new map by typing
Explore one of Lore's most legendary dungeons and unlock its secrets. You can get their using the new button in town, your map, or by typing
Untold Danger and treasure await you within this massive and heavily guarded Dragon's lair. Are you brave enough to venture deep into the heart of this dungeon and battle AdventureQuest Worlds FIRST DRAGON!? You can get their using the new button in town, your map, or by typing
Entrance of the Dragon's Lair
You can now permenantly add up to 20 more slots in your backpack. Talk to Valencia in the town of Battleon. AdventureCoins are now available via the upgrade page.
Zhoom built a new tab for your armors. You can now store up to 20 class armors AND 20 normal items. See the Design Notes for a list of all the great changes.
The Member-Only Clubhouse was just released! Use your map to go to this new place for Members to gather, chat, dance is two music-filled rooms, and venture into the Portal of Mystery to face the most powerful monster currently in AQ Worlds: Abaddon! As you will notice the Club House is still being constructed in-game -- which is the best part! Because YOU get to help decide what we put in it forums! (<coughs> The crazy Disco ball in the room to the right was Warlic's idea)
Defeat Abaddon and his minions to get large gold and XP rewards as well as a chance for ultra-rare drop items: and the!
If it is not showing on your map, you can type: /join ClubHouse
AdventureQuest worlds was designed so that you can play ALL of the different classes with just one character. If you love mixing up your play style and trying different things out -- you will love this. Seek out trainers and obtain new classes. Some may require you to undergo special qusts or meet certain requirements. Then, all you need to do is wear it and play to level it up. Each class has 10 ranks and cool skills that you can unlock. Leveling up the class may also cause the trainer to open up special shops with class specific gear for you to use... or even secret elite-class quests!
DragonSlayer |
Seek out Galanoth in the Dragon's lair. Use your map or type to go there. This is our first specialty class with skills that make you a MUST HAVE in any party of dragon hunters. Here are the skills of this new class:
- Bane of The Scale
Forces a dragon to focus its attacks on you, while reducing the dragon's damage dealt with all attacks by 30%. Lasts 10 seconds 2 mana, 16 second cooldown
- Impale
Causes 200% of weapon damage over 12 seconds with a chance of stunning the target for 3 seconds. 6 mana, 12 second cooldown
- Scorched Steel
A fiery attack dealing 150% weapon damage. 4 mana, 6 second cooldown
- Talon Twisting
While active, 30% of damage done to you by dragons will be added to your attacks. Last 8 seconds. 3 mana, 12 second cooldown
The game is being developed right under your feet as you play it. Here is a list of the new features that Minimal, Zhoom and I are building for you next:
- Expandable Bag Space - Released!
- Friends List - Round #1 Released
- Player Parties- Round #1 Released
- Live Events - Preparing for first test!
- Stats & High Level Monster Balancing
- Import Character Data from AQ/DF/MQ
This will give your AQW character access to cool stuff from your other characters!
- PvP
- Guilds
- Housing
- Boss Monster AI
Every other MMO seems to start you off killing Rats... it only makes sense that in OUR game sends you defend them! Use your map and explore all of the new areas in the world. Revisit areas to find new shops and quests! See everything that was released